We would like to thank all the warm messages received from our long-standing business partners and we would also like to take this opportunity to express our most sincere appreciation to our customers and suppliers. Thank you for all the trust and confidence you have shown to our business, and we would not be here today if it wasn't because of your continuous support. You are our most reliable partners, and also our most loyal friends.
During the 25 years of business and trading, SNT firmly stands by the philosophy that the success of a business is not solely defined by the digits on its financial report. Since the very beginning, our vision is to both light up cities and homes and to bring light to the hearts of people in their darkest times. In honour of our vision, SNT has initiated multiple donations to the victims and families affected by the Sichuan Earthquakes , and in continuation of this tradition, we aim to be more involved in philanthropic events that gives back to our community.
Looking back into history, SNT has always been a traditionalist in the electronic industry but in response to the
changing industry landscape, we are developing more products that are incorporating AI and machine-learning technologies. SNT has great confidence that this journey which we have embarked on 25 years ago is bound to go further beyond in the future!
October 19, 2023